
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Full of Glee...

Now I'm not too sure about you, but Glee has been my latest obsession - and my friends will confirm that. I just can't seem to get enough of their super catchy remixes of well-known and often forgotten songs! I mean, we've all had those dreams of being in an American high school - well there's no place I'd rather be than McKinley High, in the Glee club. Yes, I know you may ask "why would you want to be in the Glee club, they are all Losers and get Slushied all the time?" You see, they're all like one big family and most of the time they stick up for each other. Plus, there's nothing better than boys who can sing and dance - Serenading on my mind.

Glee has done something for me that High School Musical never did - it's made me really want to have one of those moments where everyone breaks out in song and somehow - they all know the dance moves.

                                                                                                                    Yes, he can walk...

So Much Duh-Rama...

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