
Friday 2 December 2011

Macaroon Cafe on Florida Road...

In the place you'd least expect it, lies a quaint little cafe holding hundreds of treats that blows the socks off people who've been told that macaroons are biscuits. I was first introduced to macaroons on my trip to Cape Town when my friend and I discovered a patisserie that sold the most delicious dainties I'd ever tasted.

I recently had my birthday tea at Macaroon Cafe on Florida Road in Durban, South Africa and my friends who had never tasted a macaroon were completely amazed when they tasted it - they didn't understand how something could taste that delicious! And frankly - neither do I.

Now that I've introduced my friends to macaroons and found the perfect place to get them near by - the only thing left is to learn how to make the perfect one for myself...