
Friday 11 November 2011

A pure South African photography genius...

Tony Christie is a Durban based fashion,commercial and advertising photographer. He is a close friend of mine and I would recommend his work over pretty much everyone else. For Tony, photography isn't just a job - it's a passion. With his own design flairs,
individuality and incredible talent for capturing the perfect picture. He has an un-heard of eye and sees the beauty in things nobody else would.

I had the pleasure of spending a Saturday with him and I realised that there's so much more to photography than just clicking a button on the camera.

(Tony's thoughts on the upcoming Wonderbra shoot that Tony is doing...) "When it comes to advertising photography, its not just about making the garment the centre of the photo, you have to make it look amazing in just a normal setting.(on fashion photography...) "Vintage and retro photography is really in these days. It makes it look like the photo was taken decades ago - which makes it precious and almost sentimental. Some of these effects you can't get by using a digital camera. To get and old-school photo, you've got to do it the old-school way." (But if the don't have the time, money or expertise to do it the proper way - you can always try turning up the "colour temperature" on your computer at home.)

Take a look at some of Tony's amazing work - and see for yourself what makes him a cut above the rest...

(more at

A pair of little lovelies...

The shoes that made a come back almost as big as Tomy Takkies (nurse shoes). These little babies have a vintage-y look about them and I dare you to try and find an outfit that they don't go with perfectly. Whether it be shorts, high-waisted skirt, jeans, leggings even long skirts and dresses. These shoes are a must - if you don't have them already, it's about time you find yourself some brogues.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Kings Of Leon in South Africa...

I have been looking forward to this concert more than my own birthday! With five months of foreplay leading up to this concert including making our own shirts and a daily countdown, it;'s inevitable that the only thing that follows this 1-and-a-half hours of utter exhilaration, amazement and screaming "We Love You" is a huge depression stage. What are we meant to look forward to now? Anyone?

Enough about the anti-climax after the show, why don't I tell you about the actual show...

Caleb, Jared, Matthew and Nathan Followill. Wow. Raw talent, right there. There are some people who are terrible live and then there are others who, once hearing them, you can't listen to them in other other way - because they're so good live. And if there's one thing that proves this point its that at the show, Matthew (the guitarist) did a guitar solo with, wait for it, his mouth. So if that doesn't make you want to marry him - I don't know what will. After they played Sex On Fire, Caleb said Goodnight and they all walked off stage, well they couldn't have been done yet - they hadn't even played Use Somebody. So they came back on and played the last few songs (including Use Somebody) and then they ended the concert with a bang in the form of fireworks.Lying in bed that night, I couldn't believe that it was all over!

But, I can honestly say that that concert is the best that I have ever been to!

We Heart K.O.L <3 

(More photos are under Flashback)